Core Values

the navy’s mission is our mission

At Kern Technology Group, our Team Members are drawn by a higher purpose to serve the U.S. Navy and its allies because they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. It is a common bond we share.

Our country will continue to need a strong Navy and strong allies to help create a safer world for our families, friends, and community. The Kern Technology Group Team is committed to helping the U.S. Navy with its mission.

Many members of the team once served in the U.S. Armed Forces. While serving, our Team Members met people for whom duty, honor, courage, and self-sacrifice were how they lived their lives. These people are our heroes. They made us who we are, challenged us to be better versions of ourselves, and encouraged us to always strive to achieve great things. For other members of our team, this job may be their first opportunity to serve the U.S. Navy.

We are proud that our diverse team, with all of their experience and skills, can join together to help whenever the U.S. Navy calls upon us.

teamwork is our strength

In addition to providing a life of service, the U.S. Navy provides an extended family of shipmates that mentor and support us as we grow. The day to day joy of working is often drawn from the people one works with and by feeling supported and appreciated by those around them.

Kern Technology Group builds that same feeling of teamwork by caring about our team and appreciating their hard work. We pride ourselves on having an incredible team. We celebrate our success together and we support each other in times of need.

excellence is our goal

We pride ourselves on being a team that always looks for ways to improve what we do. It isn’t enough for us to do the same job the same way, year after year. Each of us is called upon to continually find new ways to make the U.S. Navy stronger and our sailors safer by making our services better, faster, cheaper, or easier.

As we commit ourselves to continually grow and improve each day that we are privileged to serve, we will only become a stronger team.